Representation Matters

Representation Matters

I quickly learned that pursing a degree in pharmacy would be difficult, rewarding, and challenging in so many ways. Healthcare is a field that has not always been welcoming or kind to the African American community due to various reasons such as access to quality of care, unjust bias, etc. I think it is imperative for young African American children to understand their place in healthcare. There are so many careers than can be pursued so we can have representation within various disciplines.

Kyeshia Ward

helping everyone learn possibilities. mentoring program, mentorship, h.e.l.p., non profit

Kyeshia Ward

I quickly learned that pursing a degree in pharmacy would be difficult, rewarding, and challenging in so many ways. Healthcare is a field that has not always been welcoming or kind to the African American community due to various reasons such as access to quality of care, unjust bias, etc. I think it is imperative for young African American children to understand their place in healthcare. There are so many careers than can be pursued so we can have representation within various disciplines.