Know Your Worth!

Know Your Worth!

I once was referred to as the “help” while working for a healthcare system, it floored me that as hard as I worked and delivered high quality results that this is how I was viewed. It shattered my perspective for months, until I vowed to use the experience to empower others. There should be more diverse leaders in non-clinical roles in healthcare, so I won’t be an anomaly but a standard.

Shana Ward-Scales

helping everyone learn possibilities. mentoring program, mentorship, h.e.l.p., non profit

Shana Ward-Scales

I once was referred to as the “help” while working for a healthcare system, it floored me that as hard as I worked and delivered high quality results that this is how I was viewed. It shattered my perspective for months, until I vowed to use the experience to empower others. There should be more diverse leaders in non-clinical roles in healthcare, so I won’t be an anomaly but a standard.